2025 Lancers staff

brady krusemark | director

As a band director and a Lancer Alum, I have always believed in the values that marching band can teach our youth. The dedication and self-discipline required of Lancers can be life-changing and life-affirming for our members. As we move forward, the core Lancer tenets of honor, unity, and pride will continue to guide our progress. We’ll strive to work together to create something great while representing our community throughout the state of Minnesota and the nation.

Email: bkruse1@isd77.org

Eric Zimmerman | Assistant Director

Email: ezimme1@isd77.org

Sarah Thursby | Colorguard and Visual Design

Email: sthurs1@isd77.org

Michael Thursby | Percussion Caption Head

Email: mthurs1@isd77.org